7 TEST OF COURAGE - John Maxwell


May 02, 2023

7 TEST OF COURAGE - John Maxwell


Some words have such depth and significance that we often overlook their true meaning. Or perhaps we rarely take the time to explore their meaning. One of these words is ‘courage’. In this post, I share the 7 tests of courage taught by John Maxwell, which challenge us to live with more authenticity and bravery.

1. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED ….AS WE SEEK A TRUTH WE KNOW MAY BE PAINFUL - Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. It takes a brave person to listen to unpleasant truths.

2. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED …WHEN CHANGE IS NEEDED BUT INACTIVITY IS MORE COMFORTABLE. - our situation doesn’t make us; we make our situation, Our circumstances don’t have to define us; we can redefine our circumstances by our actions, At any given time, we must be willing to give up all we have to become all we can be. “Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with the inner drive, go much farther than people with vastly superior talent”

3. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED …WHEN  OUR CONVICTIONS, ONCE EXPRESSED, ARE CHALLENGED.- Whatever you do, you need courage. A conviction is something you will die for. You cannot live unless there are things in your life for which you are willing to die.

4. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED … WHEN LEARNING AND GROWING WILL DISPLAY OUR WEAKNESS - Courage is a special knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared, and how not to fear what ought not to be feared. From this knowledge comes an inner strength that subconsciously inspires us to push o in the face of great difficulty. Courage is a releasing force for learning and growth.

5. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED … WHEN WE TAKE THE HIGH ROAD EVEN AS OTHERS TREAT US BADLY. - We go to a higher level when we treat others better than they treat us,

The low road - Where we treat others worse than they treat us.

The middle road - Where we treat others the same as they treat us

The high road - Where we treat others better than they treat us.

6. OUR COURAGE WILL BE TESTED…WHEN BEING “OUT FRONT” MAKES US AN EASY TARGET - If you are a leader or even an innovative thinker, you will often be ahead of the crowd, and that will at times make you an easy target. That requires courage.

7. OUR COURAGE WIILL BW TESTED…WHENEVER WE FACE OBSTACLES TO OUR PROGRESS. - Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye, and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. YOu cannot defeat me.’ Every obstacle shapes us. When we succeed amid difficulty, we become stronger, wiser, and more confident

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality. " ―C.S Lewis



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